Wednesday Early-Release Program Offerings
We are excited to announce a newly adopted early release schedule starting on August 14th, our first day of school. This schedule allows our teachers to have two hours every Wednesday to collaborate across the district and participate in professional development, ultimately enhancing the quality of education for our students. During this time (1:30-3 p.m.), we will offer various programs available to all TK to 7th grade students through our community partnerships. These programs will be delivered in 6-10 weeks sessions with limited spaces available; please look at the details on the available programs and registration links! Registration for sessions 3 and 4 opens on October 23rd at 9:00 a.m.

The Point Reyes National Seashore Association (PRNSA) is the official non-profit partner to the Point Reyes National Seashore. We support conservation, education, and community building in and around the park and lead outdoor environmental science and nature education programs for youth of all ages. Through our programs, youth learn about ecological systems and relationships and reflect on their personal connection to the world around them. We are excited to partner with West Marin - Inverness School to engage students in three nature adventures.
Sticky Situations - Return of the Rain
Session 3:11/6- 12/ 11 (4th-6th graders)
With winter rains, California comes to life…and things get slimy! Mushrooms, newts, banana slugs, and moss all thrive in the wet weather. Embrace the wind and the rain through activities like kite making, and explore the value of slime (and other adaptations) to the forest creatures who can’t wait for the wet weather. We will take a walking field trip to Giacomini Wetlands to visit some mud in person and look for the animals who love it.

The Dance Palace's mission is to enrich the quality of life in West Marin by providing diverse cultural, educational, and community services in a well-maintained environmentally friendly environment. Founded in 1971, the Dance Palace is a place for the people of West Marin to come together, learn, celebrate, and meet new friends. We host a wide variety of programs and services for people of all ages right here in Point Reyes Station.
Soul Soup
Session 3: 11/6 - 12/ 11 (TK-2nd graders)
Session 4: 01/08 - 03/ 19 (TK-2nd graders)
Bay Area Native Amber Hines brings you over 25 years of experience building community through the arts for all ages. Students are invited to embody through song, dance, story & play supported by live drum accompaniment. Traditional and contemporary music is blended to generate an energy that uplifts the spirit, builds social-emotional literacy, and creates community for all ages.
Afterschool Art
Session 3: 11/6 - 12/ 11 (2nd-6th graders)
A multicultural art program. Artists of many cultures will be invited to participate. The children will use two- and three-dimensional media—painting, printmaking, clay, jewelry, and textiles— to develop their own unique expressions. Visits to local galleries are included.
Local History: “Being a Kid in Old West Marin”
Session 4: 01/08 - 03/ 19 (5th - 7th graders)
Dewey Livingston guides this group on a journey into the past. We will learn about the history of the local area from the perspective of children’s lives a century and more ago. The class includes training to lead history tours of our towns and includes instruction and practice in interviewing elders, public speaking, and interpreting history from different perspectives.
Ceramics with Caitlin Sullivan
Session 4: 01/08 - 03/ 19 (3rd-6th graders)
Using imagination and patience 3rd-6th grade students will produce functional and creative clay objects. They will practice various clay techniques such as pinch pots, coiling, slab, sculpture and glazing to build their creations in this 10-week session. Caitlin is a parent, regular volunteer in the arts rooms at West Marin-Inverness schools and owner of Cove Ceramics www.coveceramics.com.
Movement & Poetry with Maxine Flasher-Duzgunes
Session 4: 01/08 - 03/ 19 (TK-2nd graders)
An introduction to using poetry scores in the creation of movement, we will learn about different forms of visual poetry in conversation with the body and the world around us. Each class will consist of both a physical and written warm-up and lead into a composition exercise shaping words into choreography and choreography into words.

In Place, place-centered nature education
In Place programs offer a holistic approach to nature education. Our children’s programs include nature connection and science, expressive arts, and wellness practices. inplacelearning.org
Nature Arts
Session 3: 11/6 - 12/ 11 (TK-1st graders)
Nature Connection–-nature walks, awareness activities, nature explorations through play and science.
Expressive Arts--place-based arts and crafts, creative writing, storytelling, movement.
Wellness Practices–tending the inner landscape through mindfulness, communication skills, gratitude, kindness, kinship.
Nature Arts
Session 4: 01/08 - 03/19 ( TK - 1st graders)
Nature Connection–-nature walks, awareness activities, nature explorations through play and science.
Expressive Arts--place-based arts and crafts, creative writing, storytelling, movement.
Wellness Practices–tending the inner landscape through mindfulness, communication skills, gratitude, kindness, kinship.

Through our Anti-Racism and Equity Strategic Plan, Marin County Free Library (MCFL) has an unwavering commitment to creating joyful learning pathways and environments, providing equitable service to all in Marin, working collaboratively with partners for the greatest impact, and centering community power in our spaces and services.
Book Scouts!
First through fourth grade- BY REFERRAL ONLY!
Marin County Free Library will provide small group literacy instruction at the West Marin School library every Wednesday from 1:30 pm to 3 pm. Students in grades 1 through 4 will be referred to participate by school staff. Students will share in storytime, play literacy games, build library skills and work in small groups to increase reading fluency with English/Spanish bilingual library staff.